Role: Consortium member
Date: 2013 - 2015 About the project: Under the acronym MARLISCO (MARine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-Responsibility), the EU-FP7 funded consortium project that the overarching goal to raise public awareness, facilitate dialogue and promote co-responsibility among the different actors towards a joint vision for the sustainable management of marine litter across all European seas. To achieve this innovative mechanisms and tools were developed by the consortium, aimed to effectively engage, inform and empower society, reaching the widest possible audience. Its activities included:
Its activities took place in the four European Regional Seas: North-East Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea, by a consortium with members located in 15 coastal countries. My contribution: PlasticsEurope was one of the consortium members and we took part in almost all Working Packages, my Spanish colleagues in particular implemented the video contest in Spain. I participated in all WPs as industry expert & coordinator, contributed with my industry and marine litter evidence knowledge and network to this multifaceted project ensuring that the project is well understood within industry and using essential key information and wording making it more versatile to the various stakeholder groups. Together with EUCC, I also represented and positioned MARLISCO in the Clean Urban Delta Initiative during the official finding mission in Rio de Janeiro. Official Project Reference Code: FP7-SiS-2011-1.0-1 |